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瓦里奥·达什瓦登山(Wii U Mount Wariodarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

瓦里奥·达什瓦登山(Wii U Mount Wariodarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

瓦里奥·达什瓦登山(Wii U Mount Wariodarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程在欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程中排名第3名。




马里奥卡丁车上的uniquest赛道之一。我们在马里奥卡丁车上有很多赛道,你可以在山下比赛,比如在GCN DK mountain或Wii DK Summit,但所有这些赛道都会让你在每一圈后到达山顶,这仍然是典型的单圈赛道。马里奥卡丁车8号的瓦里奥山打破了这一规则,使整个山体滑坡成为一场比赛,从顶部开始,在底部结束。它拥有一切,使一个伟大的赛道,冰河在顶部,一个洞,一个水坝,一个森林,并结束,一个奥运会的过程。这真是太神奇了!-达什瓦登

One of the uniquest tracks ever in Mario Kart. We've had a lot of tracks in Mario Kart where you race down a mountain, such as in GCN DK Mountain or Wii DK Summit, but all of those tracks send you to the top of the mountain after each lap, which still makes them typical lap tracks. Mount Wario from Mario Kart 8 breaks that rule and has the entire mountainslide being one race, starting at the top, and ending at the bottom. It has everything to make a great track, icy glaciers at the top, a cave, a dam, a forest, and to end, an olympics course. It's just amazing! - darthvadern
