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DS飞艇堡垒darthvadern(DS Airship Fortressdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

DS飞艇堡垒darthvadern(DS Airship Fortressdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

DS飞艇堡垒darthvadern(DS Airship Fortressdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程在欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程中排名第4名。





Hands down the best track from Mario Kart DS. I always found Tick Tock Clock to be bland and dull, and Waluigi Pinball was great but I prefer nature-oriented tracks. Airship Fortress takes place high up in the sky, most likely during a night or so, and has you driving through an airship shooting bullet bills and through a fortress too (hence, the name). The cream of the course though has to be the music..., holy man is it catchy and epic! It has got to be one of the best Mario Kart songs of all time! - darthvadern
