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3DS星杯达特瓦登(3DS Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯

2021-06-18 21:48 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

3DS星杯达特瓦登(3DS Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯

3DS星杯达特瓦登(3DS Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯在欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯中排名第4名。





While this cup isn't in the top three, it's still pretty fun, Pirahna Plant Pipeway is my fifth favourite course in the game! It reminds me of Level 1-2 from Super Mario Bros and Wuhu Mountain Loop is my 4th favourite from the game. Wario's Galleon is also a solid and interesting track, however what brings this down a little is Koopa City, a bland and slippery track with super tight turns. So it's not a great cup particularly. - darthvadern
