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Wii U星空杯(Wii U Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯

2021-06-18 21:48 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

Wii U星空杯(Wii U Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯在欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯中排名第1名。





Not just the best Star Cup in all of Mario Kart, but also the best Mario Kart cup of all time. We've had tens of cups throughout this franchise but it wasn't until Mario Kart 8 when we got a cup where every single track in it was a flawless masterpiece! Sunshine Airport and Mount Wario are both in my top ten Mario Kart tracks of all time because of how gorgeous and original they are as courses. And Electrodrome and Dolphin Shoals, I'd say are solid masterpieces too because they're also super original and interesting courses. I doubt any cup will ever be better than this one. - darthvadern
