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高罂粟综合征(Tall Poppy Syndrome)——欧美最佳麻风专辑

2021-06-18 21:39 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :





2009年的“高罂粟综合症”被认为是麻风病的首张专辑,尽管他们之前录制过与小乐队的最佳素材竞争的演示。它在Prog Archives专辑中拥有最高的评级,这是有充分理由的:与以艺术摇滚为导向的后期专辑相比,它的Prog数量要多得多乐器发挥了更大的作用相比,声乐中心,让我们说玛丽娜。这张专辑充满了意想不到的变化,吸引人的键盘即兴演奏,甚至有很多苛刻的声音。我无法想象的反应,一个新人发现这张专辑谁发现了乐队通过他们最近的单曲。最佳歌曲:他会再次杀死-阿尔卡迪克奇

Tall Poppy Syndrome of 2009 is considered Leprous's debut even though they have recorded demos before that compete with the best material of lesser bands. It has the highest rating of their albums on Prog Archives and for good reason: it has a significantly greater amount of prog going on compared to the art rock oriented later albums. The instruments play a greater role compared to the vocal-centred (let's say) Malina. The album is full of unexpected shifts, catchy keyboard riffs and even a lot of harsh vocals. I cannot imagine the reaction of a newcomer finding this album who discovered the band through their recent singles.Best song: He Will Kill Again - Alkadikce
