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会众(The Congregation)——欧美最佳麻风专辑

2021-06-18 21:39 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

会众(The Congregation)——欧美最佳麻风专辑





麻风的第四张专辑有他们最受欢迎的歌曲价格,是他们的专辑,提出了他们的签名声音最好。你可以找到一切,使麻风声音独特相比,任何最近的进步摇滚%2B/金属乐队在这张专辑,同时也为他们的新老风格搭建了一座桥梁。对于一个新粉丝来说,这无疑是一个很好的起点。哈肯从这段麻风病时期为他们2016年的专辑《亲和力》汲取了很多灵感,将其与synthwave、jazz fusion等其他各种影响融合在一起,后摇滚乐,甚至杜布斯泰普哈肯一般都有一个类似的职业发展麻风病和巡回演出一起更多次

Leprous's fourth studio album has their most popular song The Price, and is the album of theirs that presents their signature sound the best. You can find everything that makes Leprous sound unique compared to any recent progressive rock/metal band in this album, and it also provides a sort of bridge between their old and new style. Definitely a good starting point for a new fan.Haken has drawn a lot of inspiration from this period of Leprous for their 2016 album Affinity, mixing it with various other influences including synthwave, jazz fusion, post-rock and even dubstep (Haken in general have a similar career progression as Leprous and toured together more times).Best song: Rewind - Alkadikce
