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混乱2(Chaos 2)——欧美十大机器人战争系列4竞争者

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

混乱2(Chaos 2)——欧美十大机器人战争系列4竞争者





系列赛3的冠军们带着几乎和以前一样的机器人回来了。但是由于混沌2是如此的超前,它真的不需要改变来继续成为主导力量。即使是像Steg 2和Tornado这样具有挑战性的机器人也没有带来太大的威胁。它最大的威胁出现在总决赛中,像Stinger这样的机器人小猫咪把它带到了电线上,甚至造成了一些损伤,虽然表面上是这样。混沌2成功地击败了他们,成为第一个成功卫冕的英国冠军。——超音速17

The Series 3 champions returned with pretty much the same robot as before. But as Chaos 2 was so ahead of it's time it really didn't need to change to continue being a dominant force. Even reasonably challenging bots like Steg 2 and Tornado didn't post it much of a threat. It's biggest threats came in the Grand Final, where bots like Stinger and Pussycat took it down to the wire, and even caused it some damage (albeit superficial).Chaos 2 managed to beat them both, becoming the first UK champion to successfully defend it's title. - SuperSonic17
