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Wii U海豚浅滩darthvadern(Wii U Dolphin Shoalsdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

Wii U海豚浅滩darthvadern(Wii U Dolphin Shoalsdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

Wii U海豚浅滩darthvadern(Wii U Dolphin Shoalsdarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程在欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程中排名第7名。





Dolphin Shoals puts every other single water track in the Mario Kart franchise to shame, with its super cool and interesting track concept. We're basically driving in a coral reef alongside dolphins, and in an underwater cavern where you can trick off an eel. What other water stage even has this? The music is also very catchy and jazzy, and even if it's not necessarily my type, it fits with the track. I just really love this track! - darthvadern
