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3DS食人鱼植物管道(3DS Piranha Plant Pipewaydarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

3DS食人鱼植物管道(3DS Piranha Plant Pipewaydarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程

3DS食人鱼植物管道(3DS Piranha Plant Pipewaydarthvadern)——欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程在欧美马里奥卡丁车十大明星杯课程中排名第13名。





The european name for this course replaced "Slide" with "Pipeway", which originally confused me that this was Alpine Pass. When I found out it was a different track I grew a slight bitterness towards this track, and it certainly didn't help that this was brought back for MK8 and not the other one, but hey..., when actually looking at the course objectively I absolutely love it and its remake. A course where you race inside the sewers of the underground, based on the underground from Super Mario Bros. 2? Hey, that's one of the best course concepts ever and it's handled amazingly. I adore every part of this course. So the fact that we have a course I adore in #10 goes to show how great most Star Cup tracks are. - darthvadern
