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承办人-WWE 2K14 htoutlaws2012(Undertaker - WWE 2K14htoutlaws2012)——欧美摔跤比赛中最受欢迎的角色

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

承办人-WWE 2K14 htoutlaws2012(Undertaker - WWE 2K14htoutlaws2012)——欧美摔跤比赛中最受欢迎的角色在欧美摔跤比赛中最受欢迎的角色中排名第1名。




这是一个正确的挑战,但同时这也是一件你需要极大耐心才能一次性完成的事情。殡仪馆承办人和名单上的其他人一样,总是相当艰难。很多人都在这个领域,但是WWE 2k14真的用计数器和技巧提高了速度,让玩家无法想象连胜的感觉是怎样的精确

This was a challenge done right, but at the same time this was something you needed great patience to complete in one sitting. Undertaker like others on this list was always reasonably tough. Many are in the realm, but WWE 2k14 really up'ed the meter with counters and tricks used on the player to ways unimaginably accurate how a streak match should feel like. - htoutlaws2012
