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黑文战役(The Battle of Haven)——欧美最糟糕的打斗场面

2021-06-18 21:52 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :






If we ignore the Raven Vs Cinder part, this is honestly the worst fight I've watched in RWBY. We've been building up that our characters will have to face off against the villains who caused the Fall of Beacon. But most of the action is just loads of exposition, characters not remembering to use their semblances or off screen fighting. Speaking of off screen, that's how the battle ends. With our heroes somehow managing to beat Mercury, Emerald and Hazel off screen. Could you imagine if in My Hero Academia Deku, Todoroki and Ilda took down Stain off screen? Or if Naruto took Gaara down off screen? There's also other stuff like characters disappearing in the backgrounds they're supposed to be in, Hazel's backstory being rushed in and stopped during the middle of the fight and fights we've been wanting to see are done off screen like with Mercury Vs Yang or Raven Vs Qrow. The dialogue was terrible during this fight too. Some of the cheesiest and cringiest (I mean this word in the literal ... more - RoseRedFlower
