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JNR和奥斯卡vs.尼奥(JNR and Oscar vs. Neo)——欧美最糟糕的打斗场面

2021-06-18 21:51 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

JNR和奥斯卡vs.尼奥(JNR and Oscar vs. Neo)——欧美最糟糕的打斗场面






The battle starts off with a miscommunication error. Oscar was supposed to punch Neo from out of the corner out of surprise, that was what Eddy said. But this fight starts with Oscar yelling, him rounding down the hallway and charging at Neo while continuing to yell and punch her in the face. Neo is agile and fast, she's one of the best fighters in the series. She was even looking in Oscar's direction before he turned down the hallway. But that punch still got her? This fight feels like an excuse to give JNR something to do. Neo attacking Oscar in slow motion and then Jaune in normal motion blocking it just looked really awkward. Neo had plenty of chances to kill Oscar but didn't. Like when she had her hand around Oscar's mouth while disguised as Nora. She could have stabbed him there but didn't. Nora's grenades used to be powerful back in Volume 1 but now here they're about as strong as tinfoil. There's also the question why didn't Neo just disguise herself as an Atlesian guard ... more - RoseRedFlower
