2021-06-18 21:48 作者 :生活常识网 围观 : 次
Take LOK (Legend of Korra), Amon thought bending was the source of all evil and tried to cleanse the world of it, Unlaq wanted to end the avatar and Raava, Zaheer wanted the people to be free of all world leaders and the avatar, and Kuvira wanted power over the earth kingdom. - dIrTsTrIpE
keep this in mind when writing the main villain. Try not to have a villain who goes around killing others for no reason.Also keep this in mind when writing the main hero. What does the hero want more than anything? What will they do to achieve that goal? And who/what will get in their way? - Heedrie
Yeah got this one nailed! Im so good at making up ocs! ;)