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事情通常是不可预知的(Things are usually unpredictable)——欧美优秀勇士猫的十大品质

2021-06-18 21:48 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :






When there is conflict, try to think of a solution that isn't in the books. If the solution has been explored a lot in the books, people are more likely to make an easy prediction because they have most likely read those books too.When the story is unpredictable, it keeps the attention of the reader because the reader is more intrigued with what is going to happen next. It can also make the story more memorable.On the topic of unpredictable solutions, getting rid of the villain by them randomly getting killed by a random falling tree IS unpredictable, but it might not be the best way to get rid of the villain. What made Tigerstar's death scene good to me was that it was unpredictable, but the events that led to his death didn't feel like they were randomly thrown in there. Rather than dying from a random falling tree, he was killed by his own ambition (he wanted to control BloodClan but Scourge was like "NOPE"). This was unpredictable because he has always been strong, he has ... more - Heedrie
