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达什瓦登GBA明星杯(GBA Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯

2021-06-18 21:48 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

达什瓦登GBA明星杯(GBA Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯

达什瓦登GBA明星杯(GBA Star Cupdarthvadern)——欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯在欧美最佳马里奥卡丁车明星杯中排名第3名。




在我看来,这里的每一条赛道都相当不错。雪地因为屏幕抖动而受到社区的憎恨,但这从来没有困扰过我,我喜欢这个设计。Yoshi Desert在Yoshi sphynx和埃及背景下非常有趣。我们还看到Ribbon Road和Bowser's Castle 3中令人惊叹的球场,它们要么是原创的,要么是惊人的看看吧。所以我认为它排到了前三名。-达什瓦登

Every track here is pretty good in my opinion. Snow Land is hated by the community due to the screen shaking but that never bothered me and I like the design. Yoshi Desert is really fun with the yoshi sphynx and egyptian setting. We also see amazing courses in Ribbon Road and Bowser's Castle 3 both of which are either original are stunning to look at. So it reaches the top three In my opinion. - darthvadern
