2021-06-18 21:42 作者 :生活常识网 围观 : 次
This is by far the weakest of the bank floors. This is the only variant of the bank that has been in the game since the game's start, until in early 2019 when the bank was revamped heavily. Because of this many people will feel nostalgic for this specific bank. But if we're trying to be objective, is this bank really all that great? It's certainly not bad but it's certainly no masterpiece.From an honest perspective this one's definitely one of the weakest, and a bit boring. This bank is just a straight line with lasers blocking the path that are pretty easy to dodge and voila you're at the vault. It's a bit boring and easy if I do say so myself and the architecture isn't that impressive compared to the Mint for example. I still like this one as it's time to play like in the old days but overall it's a bit boring and lackluster which makes me place this one at #1 place on this list. - darthvadern
easy and boring