2021-06-18 21:42 作者 :生活常识网 围观 : 次
This is a pretty basic bank floor with a working difficulty. It's overall decent and rewards decent loot (2500 cash) and the difficulty is generally decent as well. Not too hard but not too easy. It's generally basic as well. As soon as you enter the bank there will be a section will moving lasers but if you just run over when the lasers are still, this is a piece of cake.The loot, consisting of 2500 cash is decent as I said, as well. It's a little worse than the jewelry store loot but it's a good deal for a generally easy bank. When it comes to busting this bank, it's a bit hard considering the vault is quite big and criminals can hide behind the vault wall deeper in the vault so it might be the second hardest bank to bust but overall this bank is quite good. - darthvadern
It is hard compared to the other ones but better than a presidential vault