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GBA奇普奇普岛(GBA Cheep Cheep Island)——欧美十大最差马里奥卡丁车:超级赛道

2021-06-18 21:42 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

GBA奇普奇普岛(GBA Cheep Cheep Island)——欧美十大最差马里奥卡丁车:超级赛道






Raise your hand if you knew this track existed. None? Thought so..., it's one of, if not the most obscure and unknown Mario Kart track of all time in my eyes. Think about it, it's in the most obscure Mario Kart title, based on an basic enemy, the other beach track of the same game but remade, but not this one, and it's in the middle of the game. And I mean the design is a little bland and boring too. I don't dislike it much, I can have a decent time, driving over the wooden bridges in the sunset, with a giant cheep cheep jumping in the background. But overall it's just a not so interesting track - darthvadern



I knew this track existed my whole life lmao
