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粉碎培养(Crush Culture)——欧美十大最佳柯南灰歌

2021-06-18 21:40 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

粉碎培养(Crush Culture)——欧美十大最佳柯南灰歌






I think that this songs depicts our currency society in such a good way. So... stop checking your volume, no one's gonna call you ;) - PulpMike


Crush Culture是一首很好的歌,但它不是我个人的最爱之一。柯南·格雷说:我写Crush Culture是为了我那些心碎的单身同胞。我单身了19年,甚至还没有初吻!与此同时,我所有的朋友都经历了几段心悸、糊状、病态的恋爱关系,而我却一直在一旁热切地看着。最终,我厌倦了看着周围的人都在恋爱。当我看到恋爱中的人时,我会因为缺乏爱而感到痛苦爱情,我只想毁掉眼前的每一段感情,于是音乐录影带中我毁了人们的约会。既然我不能恋爱,没有人能理解这是我的逻辑。我想为无爱的人写一首歌,于是粉碎文化诞生了

Crush Culture is a pretty good song, but it's not one of my personal favorites. Conan Gray said: I wrote Crush Culture for my fellow heartbroken single people. I've been single for all of my 19 years of my lifehaven't even had my first kiss yet! Meanwhile, all of my friends have burned through several heart-throbbing, mushy-gushy, morbidly loving relationships; all while I watched longingly from the sidelines. Eventually, Id just gotten so sick of watching everyone around me being in love. It's gotten to a point where when I see people who are in love, I get so bitter from my lack of love that I just want to destroy every relationship in sight (hence the music video of me ruining peoples dates). Since I can't be in love, no one canthat was my logic. I wanted to write a song for the loveless, thus Crush Culture was born.
