2021-06-18 21:39 作者 :生活常识网 围观 : 次
Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash Bros, Metroid, Donkey Kong...I could go on all day. Point is, don't downplay all the amazing work they have done all these years.
任天堂举世闻名,广受爱戴。相比之下,普通人眼中的摇滚明星是“GTA的家伙”,而CD Projekt RED则是“谁?”
Nintendo is universally known and loved. In contrast, to the average person Rockstar is "the GTA guys" and CD Projekt RED is "Who?"
女士们,先生们,这就是为什么我不喜欢任天堂的粉丝群。真的没有必要这样的敌意,但当任天堂不是一切第一的时候,我们总是会看到这样的反应。好吧,我现在要反驳你们的论点…让我们从摇滚明星开始:“GTA的家伙”。我的意思是,我也可以这样做任天堂并称他们为“马里奥人”,仅仅因为马里奥是他们最大的特许经营权。以创建一个大的特许经营权而闻名是没有错的,任天堂和Rockstar都证明了这一点。另外,Rockstar已经创造了这么多的游戏,不仅仅是GTA,事实上,惊人的游戏,最著名的红魔救赎12,马克斯佩恩3,霸王和黑色洛杉矶。至于CD Projekt RED,很明显,你取笑他们的唯一原因是因为他们目前的排名比任天堂高。仅仅因为他们没有任天堂那么久,并不意味着他们是一个小公司,当然也不意味着他们不受欢迎。CD Projekt RED令人惊叹的游戏征服了各地粉丝的心,最引人注目的是Witcher games。他们是当今唯一一家仍然把为粉丝制作好游戏作为首要任务的公司,不像其他一些开发商在产品中到处放微交易,把政治议程推到不属于它的地方,或者使用不正当的商业惯例。—罗格姆巴洛尼
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I dislike Nintendo's fanbase. There is really no need for this kind of hostility yet that's always the kind of reactions we see when Nintendo isn't first in everything.Alright, I am now going to counter your arguments... let's start with Rockstar: "the GTA guys". I mean, I could do the very same with Nintendo and call them "the Mario guys" just because Mario is their biggest franchise. There's nothing wrong with being known for the creation of a big franchise and both Nintendo and Rockstar are proof of that. Plus, Rockstar has created so many more games than just GTA, amazing games in fact, most notably Red Dead Redemption 1 2, Max Payne 3, Bully and L.A. Noire.As for CD Projekt RED, well, it's clear the only reason you're making fun of them is because they are currently ranked higher than Nintendo. Just because they haven't been around for as long as Nintendo, doesn't make them a lesser company and it certainly doesn't mean they are not beloved. CD Projekt RED has made amazing games and conquered the hearts of fans everywhere, most notably with the Witcher games. They are one of the only companies today that still puts making good games for their fans as their main priority, unlike some other developers who put microtransactions everywhere in their products, shove political agendas where it doesn't belong or use shady business practices. - RogerMcBaloney
I agree with you. Some Nintendo fans really have no respect for other people's opinions. - Kenny_McCormick
I like The Legend of Zelda and the classic Mario games. Other than that, I don't really like their newer games all that much. - Kenny_McCormick
I understand you hate the fanbase of this company. What seems to be the reason?
I wouldn't say I hate them. I just really dislike them and the way they think. I've seen so many Nintendo fans that idolize Nintendo, put them on a pedestal and call them the greatest while never acknowledging their flaws and if someone dares say anything bad about Nintendo, they'll start fighting and ranting. I've seen them completely disregard other developers and start fighting with other gamers just because they consider other games better than Nintendo's games.Of course, there are people like that on both ends of the spectrum and not all Nintendo fans are this toxic, it's mostly the hardcore Nintendo fans that take things too seriously, but I've seen and heard enough to dislike them. - RogerMcBaloney
How is Nintendo not No. 1?! They are the king of video games! - MasterLink