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混沌2超音速17(Chaos 2SuperSonic17)——欧美十大机器人战争系列之三竞争对手

2021-06-18 21:38 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

混沌2超音速17(Chaos 2SuperSonic17)——欧美十大机器人战争系列之三竞争对手在欧美十大机器人战争系列之三竞争对手中排名第1名。





The debut of the legendary Chaos 2. This robot made waves when it first appeared, with it's flipper (or as it was called Flip-Up) powerful enough to not only turn over robots with ease, but also chuck them. Also it was the polar opposite of Roadblock's big and bulky design, as it was small and compact to allow for a stronger chassis.Chaos 2 got through all it's fights with relative ease, winning the series, and proving to be the most dominant force in Robot Wars for the longest time. - SuperSonic17
