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堂·布拉德曼最佳板球运动员鲍威尔·鲍威尔(Don Bradman (Best Cricketers)PowellPowell)——欧美人最值得1号各自+ u2018Best人运动+ u2018列表

2021-06-18 21:34 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :

堂·布拉德曼最佳板球运动员鲍威尔·鲍威尔(Don Bradman (Best Cricketers)PowellPowell)——欧美人最值得1号各自+ u2018Best人运动+ u2018列表

堂·布拉德曼最佳板球运动员鲍威尔·鲍威尔(Don Bradman (Best Cricketers)PowellPowell)——欧美人最值得1号各自+ u2018Best人运动+ u2018列表在欧美人最值得号各自人运动列表中排名第10名。





Interesting. I know next to nothing about Cricket, but the man's attached bio reads like he is the undisputed best batsman in history, statistically or otherwise. Now, me not knowing much of the sport begs a myriad of questions, first and foremost, does the guy that throws to the batsman have any advantages? For instance, do these players change speeds and location in an attempt to deceive the batsman, like baseball pitchers do? Or is the ball just hurled at the batsman with as much force as possible? In any case, part of the fun to debate the GOAT in any sport is that there are not only statistics that can be referenced, but critical moments in contests, the "clutch" moments, usually late in games, that can define a players legacy... Anyways, this guy sounds as if he dominated Cricket batting to such a degree that there is no debate, and that's impressive.



There is a lot of debate over who was the 2nd best cricket batsman but everyone knows that he was the best. He retired with a test average score of 99.94 (the second highest ever was only a little over 60). It was said "As long as Australia has Bradman she will be invincible ... It is almost time to request a legal limit on the number of runs Bradman should be allowed to make." He scored 0 in his final innings when he only needed a score of 4 to have a 100 lifetime average but this was practically the only thing that showed he was mortal. I am not a huge Cricket fan and Australia are the enemy for me but nonetheless he probably was the most dominant player in the history of any major sport. - Powell



But on the list of best cricketers, he's number 2 ... - scienceLover10



I guess I was exaggerating by saying that everyone knows he was the best ever. Ill rephrase that everyone who knows cricket considers him the best ever. Is this list only for people who are already at number one on their sports best list if so I apologise for adding him. - Powell



yeah it is, its okay I can just report him as a factual error - scienceLover10



Oh. Sorry. - Powell
