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这是扼杀音乐(It‘s killing music)——欧美Tik Tok烂的十大原因

2021-06-18 21:30 作者 :生活常识网 围观 :





现在大多数流行歌曲都是由Tik Tok成名的,不仅如此,这个应用程序还帮助非天才或只是无趣的艺术家变得流行起来,而有些音乐家却在拼命工作,他们仍然没有得到应有的人气,他们应该得到的远比这些没有天赋的黑客多得多。我在想Lil Mosey和DripReport举几个例子。由于这种趋势,大多数艺术家都在努力创作一首在Tik Tok上传播的歌曲,这是质量上的又一个倒退。——LoveMusicLoveLife

Most popular songs these days have been made famous by Tik Tok, not only that but the application is also helping non-talents (or just uninteresting artists) become popular while there are musicians working their asses off who still haven't had the popularity they would deserve way more than these talentless hacks. I'm thinking about Lil Mosey and DripReport to name a few. Because of that trend, most artists are trying so hard to make a song that will go viral on Tik Tok, which is another step backwards in quality. - LoveMusicLoveLife
