2021-06-18 21:29 作者 :生活常识网 围观 : 次
抱歉,伙计们,我知道很多人喜欢这首曲子,但我不能让自己很享受它,从诚实的一面,我的意见,这是一个非常乏味的鬼轨道。 音乐一点也不可怕,课程设计也不是很有趣。 你甚至不用花太多时间探索这座宅邸,你只是在水下的某个区域,在这样的鬼屋里真的没有立足之地。 它仍然可以,但不是一个特别好的轨道。 -达什瓦登
Sorry guys, I know people like this track a lot but I can't get myself to enjoy it very much and from the honest side of my opinion, it's very bland as a ghost track. The music isn't scary at all, and the course design isn't very interesting either. You don't even spend much time exploring the mansion, you're just in some underwater section that really has no place in a ghost house like this. It's still alright but not a particularly good track. - darthvadern